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Version: v1.6.x

How to Run or Build HertzBeat?

Getting HertzBeat code up and running

To get HertzBeat code running on your development tools, and able to debug with breakpoints. This is a front-end and back-end separation project. To start the local code, the back-end manager and the front-end web-app must be started separately.

Backend start

  1. Requires maven3+, java17 and lombok environments
  2. (Optional) Modify the configuration file: manager/src/main/resources/application.yml
  3. Execute under the project root directory: mvn clean install -DskipTests
  4. Add VM Options: --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=org.apache.arrow.memory.core,ALL-UNNAMED
  5. Start springboot manager service: manager/src/main/java/org/apache/hertzbeat/hertzbeat-manager/

Frontend start

  1. Need Node Yarn Environment, Make sure Node.js >= 18

  2. Cd to the web-app directory: cd web-app

  3. Install yarn if not existed npm install -g yarn

  4. Install Dependencies: yarn install or yarn install --registry= in web-app

  5. After the local backend is started, start the local frontend in the web-app directory: yarn start

  6. Browser access to localhost:4200 to start, default account/password is admin/hertzbeat

Build HertzBeat binary package

Requires maven3+, java17, node and yarn environments.

Frontend build

  1. Need Node Yarn Environment, Make sure Node.js >= 18

  2. Cd to the web-app directory: cd web-app

  3. Install yarn if not existed npm install -g yarn

  4. Install Dependencies: yarn install or yarn install --registry= in web-app

  5. Build web-app: yarn package

Backend build

  1. Requires maven3+, java17 environments

  2. Execute under the project root directory: mvn clean package -Prelease

The HertzBeat install package will at dist/hertzbeat-{version}.tar.gz

Collector build

  1. Requires maven3+, java17 environments

  2. Execute under the project root directory: mvn clean install

  3. Cd to the collector directory: cd collector

  4. Execute under collector directory: mvn clean package -Pcluster

The HertzBeat collector package will at dist/hertzbeat-collector-{version}.tar.gz