
HertzBeat 的第一个 Apache 版本 v1.6.0 发布!

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Hi 朋友们,我们很高兴地宣布,Apache HertzBeat (incubating) 的了第一个Apache版本 v1.6.0 发布啦!🎉.

经过近五个月的社区开发迭代贡献和两个月的Apache Incubator孵化过程,Apache HertzBeat (incubating) v1.6.0 终于出来了。 这个版本我们增加了对OpenAi监控,Redfish协议服务器,插件机制,支持了NebulaGraph, Apache Yarn, HDFS, Hbase, Storm等更多功能特性。 由于License兼容问题,我们在底层替换了ORM框架,计算框架等多个依赖,Hibernate -> EclipseLink, 这也算是JPA生态下为数不多的迁移踩坑实践。 同时修复了一些bug和优化了一些功能,更完善的文档。欢迎大家尝试使用,提出宝贵意见和建议,共同推动HertzBeat的发展。🎉


下载页面: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/download/

升级指南: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/blog/2024/06/11/hertzbeat-v1.6.0-update/

什么是 HertzBeat?

Apache HertzBeat (incubating)是一个易用友好的开源实时监控告警系统,无需 Agent,高性能集群,兼容 Prometheus,提供强大的自定义监控和状态页构建能力。


  • 监控+告警+通知 为一体,支持对应用服务,应用程序,数据库,缓存,操作系统,大数据,中间件,Web 服务器,云原生,网络,自定义等监控阈值告警通知一步到位。
  • 易用友好,无需 Agent,全 WEB 页面操作,鼠标点一点就能监控告警,零上手学习成本。
  • Http, Jmx, Ssh, Snmp, Jdbc, Prometheus 等协议规范可配置化,只需在浏览器配置监控模版 YML 就能使用这些协议去自定义采集想要的指标。您相信只需配置下就能立刻适配一款 K8sDocker 等新的监控类型吗?
  • 兼容 Prometheus 的系统生态并且更多,只需页面操作就可以监控 Prometheus 所能监控的。
  • 高性能,支持多采集器集群横向扩展,支持多隔离网络监控,云边协同。
  • 自由的告警阈值规则,邮件 Discord Slack Telegram 钉钉 微信 飞书 短信 Webhook Server酱 等方式消息及时送达。
  • 提供强大的状态页构建能力,轻松向用户传达您产品服务的实时状态。



Github: https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat

HertzBeat's 1.6.0 Version Release


  • HertzBeat is donated to the Apache Incubator.
  • migrate repo, clean up code, license, add more help doc and more
  • add dependency license doc
  • [feature]Hertzbeat custom plugin. by @zqr10159 in #1973
  • [feature] add apache hugegraph monitor by @zhangshenghang in #1972
  • [improve][HIP] HIP-01: Implement refactoring AbstractCollect by @crossoverJie in #1966
  • [feature] Support monitoring of OpenAI accounts by @zuobiao-zhou in #1947
  • [feature] add apache yarn monitor by @zhangshenghang in #1937
  • [featrue]add apache hdfs monitor by @zhangshenghang in #1920
  • [feature] support use ngql query metrics from nebulaGraph by @LiuTianyou in #1917
  • [feature] support random jwt secret when not custom by @tomsun28 in #1897
  • feat Support Time Type to Tengine Data Storage by @Clownsw in #1890
  • [feature] support the VictoriaMetrics cluster by @xuziyang in #1880
  • [feature] support flyway database migration by @tomsun28 in #1875
  • [feature] Support Redfish protocol to monitoring server by @gjjjj0101 in #1867
  • [feature] add influxdb metrics monitoring by @TJxiaobao in #1730
  • [improve] use apache jexl replace of aviator by @tomsun28 in #1859
  • [feature] Add Linux process monitoring by @zhangshenghang in #1857
  • [feature] Add Apache Hbase RegionServer monitoring by @zhangshenghang in #1833
  • [improve] use eclipselink orm replace of hibernate orm by @tomsun28 in #1801
  • [feature]Add monitoring for Hbase Master by @zhangshenghang in #1820
  • [feature] Improve the import checkstyle by @crossoverJie in #1802
  • [Improve]When multiple lines are returned, each alarm is triggered instead of only the first alarm by @15613060203 in #1797
  • [improve]Add external lib folder to store mysql and oracle driver. by @zqr10159 in #1783
  • [feature:update-checkstyle] Limit the java file header by @YxYL6125 in #1799
  • monitor center add search type modal by @tomsun28 in #1699
  • mongodb monitoring support custom connection timeout param by @ZY945 in #1697
  • System config theme by @TJxiaobao in #1636
  • [feature] add storm monitor by @starmilkxin in #1673
  • add a online prometheus parser and a prometheus-like push style. by @vinci-897 in #1644
  • and more bugfix, doc, features power by our contributors, thanks to them.

What's Changed

New Contributors


docker run -d -p 1157:1157 -p 1158:1158 --name hertzbeat apache/hertzbeat

或者试用 quay.io (如果 DockerHub 网络超时)

docker run -d -p 1157:1157 -p 1158:1158 --name hertzbeat quay.io/tancloud/hertzbeat

详细参考 HertzBeat 官网文档 https://hertzbeat.com/docs

Github: https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat

下载页面: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/download/

升级指南: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/blog/2024/06/11/hertzbeat-v1.6.0-update/

Have Fun!

HertzBeat, Make Monitoring Easier!

Apache HertzBeat Team