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Version: v1.6.x

SSH Protocol Custom Monitoring

From Custom Monitoring, you are familiar with how to customize types, Metrics, protocols, etc. Here we will introduce in detail how to use SSH protocol to customize Metric monitoring. SSH protocol custom monitoring allows us to easily monitor and collect the Linux Metrics we want by writing sh command script.

SSH protocol collection process

System directly connected to Linux】->【Run shell command script statement】->【parse response data: oneRow, multiRow】->【Metric data extraction

It can be seen from the process that we define a monitoring type of SSH protocol. We need to configure SSH request parameters, configure which Metrics to obtain, and configure query script statements.

Data parsing method

We can obtain the corresponding Metric data through the data fields queried by the SHELL script and the Metric mapping we need. At present, there are two mapping parsing methods:oneRow and multiRow which can meet the needs of most Metrics.


Query out a column of data, return the field value (one value per row) of the result set through query and map them to the field.

eg: Metrics of Linux to be queried hostname-host name,uptime-start time Host name original query command:hostname Start time original query command:uptime | awk -F "," '{print $1}' Then the query script of the two Metrics in hertzbeat is(Use ; Connect them together): hostname; uptime | awk -F "," '{print $1}' The data responded by the terminal is:

14:00:15 up 72 days

At last collected Metric data is mapped one by one as: hostname is tombook uptime is 14:00:15 up 72 days

Here the Metric field and the response data can be mapped into a row of collected data one by one


Query multiple rows of data, return the column names of the result set through the query, and map them to the Metric field of the query.

eg: Linux memory related Metric fields queried:total-Total memory, used-Used memory,free-Free memory, buff-cache-Cache size, available-Available memory Memory metrics original query command:free -m, Console response:

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem: 7962 4065 333 1 3562 3593
Swap: 8191 33 8158

In hertzbeat multiRow format parsing requires a one-to-one mapping between the column name of the response data and the indicaotr value, so the corresponding query SHELL script is: free -m | grep Mem | awk 'BEGIN{print "total used free buff_cache available"} {print $2,$3,$4,$6,$7}' Console response is:

total  used  free  buff_cache  available
7962 4066 331 3564 3592

Here the Metric field and the response data can be mapped into collected data one by one.

Custom Steps

HertzBeat Dashboard -> Monitoring Templates -> New Template -> Config Monitoring Template Yml -> Save and Apply -> Add A Monitoring with The New Monitoring Type

Configuration usages of the monitoring templates yml are detailed below.

Monitoring Templates YML

We define all monitoring collection types (mysql,jvm,k8s) as yml monitoring templates, and users can import these templates to support corresponding types of monitoring.

Monitoring template is used to define the name of monitoring type(international), request parameter mapping, index information, collection protocol configuration information, etc.

eg:Define a custom monitoring type app named example_linux which use the SSH protocol to collect data.

# The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring
category: os
# Monitoring application type(consistent with the file name) eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws...
app: example_linux
zh-CN: 模拟LINUX应用类型
- field: host
zh-CN: 主机Host
en-US: Host
type: host
required: true
- field: port
zh-CN: 端口
en-US: Port
type: number
range: '[0,65535]'
required: true
defaultValue: 22
placeholder: 'Please enter the port'
- field: username
zh-CN: 用户名
en-US: Username
type: text
limit: 50
required: true
- field: password
zh-CN: 密码
en-US: Password
type: password
required: true
# Metric group list
# The first monitoring Metric group basic
# Note:: the built-in monitoring Metrics have (responseTime - response time)
- name: basic
# The smaller Metric group scheduling priority(0-127), the higher the priority. After completion of the high priority Metric group collection,the low priority Metric group will then be scheduled. Metric groups with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel.
# Metric group with a priority of 0 is an availability group which will be scheduled first. If the collection succeeds, the scheduling will continue otherwise interrupt scheduling.
priority: 0
# metrics fields list
# Metric information include field: name type: field type(0-number: number, 1-string: string) label-if is metrics label unit: Metric unit
- field: hostname
type: 1
label: true
- field: version
type: 1
- field: uptime
type: 1
# protocol for monitoring and collection eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
protocol: ssh
# Specific collection configuration when the protocol is SSH protocol
# host: ipv4 ipv6 domain name
host: ^_^host^_^
# port
port: ^_^port^_^
username: ^_^username^_^
password: ^_^password^_^
script: (uname -r ; hostname ; uptime | awk -F "," '{print $1}' | sed "s/ //g") | sed ":a;N;s/\n/^/g;ta" | awk -F '^' 'BEGIN{print "version hostname uptime"} {print $1, $2, $3}'
# parsing method for reponse data:oneRow, multiRow
parseType: multiRow

- name: cpu
priority: 1
# Metric information include field: name type: field type(0-number: number, 1-string: string) label-if is metrics label unit: Metric unit
- field: info
type: 1
- field: cores
type: 0
unit: the number of cores
- field: interrupt
type: 0
unit: number
- field: load
type: 1
- field: context_switch
type: 0
unit: number
# protocol for monitoring and collection eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
protocol: ssh
# Specific collection configuration when the protocol is SSH protocol
# 主机host: ipv4 ipv6 domain name
host: ^_^host^_^
# port
port: ^_^port^_^
username: ^_^username^_^
password: ^_^password^_^
script: "LANG=C lscpu | awk -F: '/Model name/ {print $2}';awk '/processor/{core++} END{print core}' /proc/cpuinfo;uptime | sed 's/,/ /g' | awk '{for(i=NF-2;i<=NF;i++)print $i }' | xargs;vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $11}';vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $12}'"
parseType: oneRow

- name: memory
priority: 2
# Metric information include field: name type: field type(0-number: number, 1-string: string) label-if is metrics label unit: Metric unit
- field: total
type: 0
unit: Mb
- field: used
type: 0
unit: Mb
- field: free
type: 0
unit: Mb
- field: buff_cache
type: 0
unit: Mb
- field: available
type: 0
unit: Mb
# protocol for monitoring and collection eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
protocol: ssh
# Specific collection configuration when the protocol is SSH protocol
# host: ipv4 ipv6 domain name
host: ^_^host^_^
# port
port: ^_^port^_^
username: ^_^username^_^
password: ^_^password^_^
script: free -m | grep Mem | awk 'BEGIN{print "total used free buff_cache available"} {print $2,$3,$4,$6,$7}'
parseType: multiRow