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Version: v1.6.x

Modify Account Username Password And Secret

Update Account

Apache HertzBeat (incubating) default built-in three user accounts, respectively admin/hertzbeat tom/hertzbeat guest/hertzbeat If you need add, delete or modify account or password, configure sureness.yml. Ignore this step without this demand. Modify the following part parameters in sureness.yml:[Note⚠️Other default sureness configuration parameters should be retained]

- /api/account/auth/refresh===post===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/apps/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/monitor/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/monitor/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/monitor/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/monitor/**===delete==[admin]
- /api/monitors/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/monitors/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/monitors/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/monitors/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/alert/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/alert/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/alert/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/alert/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/alerts/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/alerts/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/alerts/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/alerts/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/notice/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/notice/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/notice/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/notice/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/tag/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/tag/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/tag/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/tag/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/summary/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/summary/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/summary/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/summary/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/collector/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/collector/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/collector/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/collector/**===delete===[admin]
- /api/status/page/**===get===[admin,user,guest]
- /api/status/page/**===post===[admin,user]
- /api/status/page/**===put===[admin,user]
- /api/status/page/**===delete===[admin]

# config the resource restful api that need bypass auth protection
# rule: api===method
# eg: /api/v1/source3===get means /api/v1/source3===get can be access by anyone, no need auth.
- /api/alerts/report/**===*
- /api/account/auth/**===*
- /api/i18n/**===get
- /api/apps/hierarchy===get
- /api/push/**===*
- /api/status/page/public/**===*
# web ui resource
- /===get
- /dashboard/**===get
- /monitors/**===get
- /alert/**===get
- /account/**===get
- /setting/**===get
- /passport/**===get
- /status/**===get
- /**/*.html===get
- /**/*.js===get
- /**/*.css===get
- /**/*.ico===get
- /**/*.ttf===get
- /**/*.png===get
- /**/*.gif===get
- /**/*.jpg===get
- /**/*.svg===get
- /**/*.json===get
- /**/*.woff===get
- /**/*.eot===get
# swagger ui resource
- /swagger-resources/**===get
- /v2/api-docs===get
- /v3/api-docs===get
# h2 database
- /h2-console/**===*

# account info config
# eg: admin has role [admin,user], password is hertzbeat
# eg: tom has role [user], password is hertzbeat
# eg: lili has role [guest], plain password is lili, salt is 123, salted password is 1A676730B0C7F54654B0E09184448289
- appId: admin
credential: hertzbeat
role: [admin]
- appId: tom
credential: hertzbeat
role: [user]
- appId: guest
credential: hertzbeat
role: [guest]
- appId: lili
# credential = MD5(password + salt)
# plain password: hertzbeat
# attention: digest authentication does not support salted encrypted password accounts
credential: 94C6B34E7A199A9F9D4E1F208093B489
salt: 123
role: [user]

Modify the following part parameters in sureness.yml [Note⚠️Other default sureness configuration parameters should be retained]

# user account information
# Here is admin tom lili three accounts
# eg: admin has role [admin,user], password is hertzbeat
# eg: tom has role [user], password is hertzbeat
# eg: lili has role [guest], plain password is lili, salt is 123, salted password is 1A676730B0C7F54654B0E09184448289
- appId: admin
credential: hertzbeat
role: [admin]
- appId: tom
credential: hertzbeat
role: [user]
- appId: guest
credential: hertzbeat
role: [guest]
- appId: lili
# credential = MD5(password + salt)
# plain password: hertzbeat
# attention: digest authentication does not support salted encrypted password accounts
credential: 94C6B34E7A199A9F9D4E1F208093B489
salt: 123
role: [user]

Update Security Secret

This secret is the key for account security encryption management and needs to be updated to your custom key string of the same length.

Update the application.yml file in the config directory, modify the sureness.jwt.secret parameter to your custom key string of the same length.

secret: 'CyaFv0bwq2Eik0jdrKUtsA6bx4sDJeFV643R

Restart HertzBeat, access http://ip:1157/ to explore