HTTP Protocol Custom Monitoring
From Custom Monitoring, you are familiar with how to customize types, Metrics, protocols, etc. Here we will introduce in detail how to use HTTP protocol to customize Metric monitoring
HTTP protocol collection process
【Call HTTP API】->【Response Verification】->【Parse Response Data】->【Default method parsing|JsonPath script parsing | XmlPath parsing(todo) | Prometheus parsing】->【Metric data extraction】
It can be seen from the process that we define a monitoring type of HTTP protocol. We need to configure HTTP request parameters, configure which Metrics to obtain, and configure the parsing method and parsing script for response data. HTTP protocol supports us to customize HTTP request path, request header, request parameters, request method, request body, etc.
System default parsing method:HTTP interface returns the JSON data structure specified by hertzbeat, that is, the default parsing method can be used to parse the data and extract the corresponding Metric data. For details, refer to System Default Parsing JsonPath script parsing method:Use JsonPath script to parse the response JSON data, return the data structure specified by the system, and then provide the corresponding Metric data. For details, refer to JsonPath Script Parsing
Custom Steps
HertzBeat Dashboard -> Monitoring Templates -> New Template -> Config Monitoring Template Yml -> Save and Apply -> Add A Monitoring with The New Monitoring Type
Configuration usages of the monitoring templates yml are detailed below. Please pay attention to usage annotation.
Monitoring Templates YML
We define all monitoring collection types (mysql,jvm,k8s) as yml monitoring templates, and users can import these templates to support corresponding types of monitoring.
Monitoring template is used to define the name of monitoring type(international), request parameter mapping, index information, collection protocol configuration information, etc.
eg:Define a custom monitoring type app
named example_http
which use the HTTP protocol to collect data.
Monitoring Templates -> Config New Monitoring Template Yml -> Save and Apply
# The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring
category: custom
# Monitoring application type(consistent with the file name) eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws...
app: example_http
zh-CN: 模拟应用类型
# field-field name identifier
- field: host
# name-parameter field display name
zh-CN: 主机Host
en-US: Host
# type-field type, style(most mappings are input label type attribute)
type: host
# required or not true-required false-optional
required: true
- field: port
zh-CN: 端口
en-US: Port
type: number
# When type is number, range is used to represent the range.
range: '[0,65535]'
required: true
# port default
defaultValue: 80
# Prompt information of parameter input box
placeholder: 'Please enter the port'
- field: username
zh-CN: 用户名
en-US: Username
type: text
# When type is text, use limit to indicate the string limit size
limit: 50
required: false
- field: password
zh-CN: 密码
en-US: Password
type: password
required: false
- field: ssl
zh-CN: 启动SSL
en-US: Enable SSL
# When type is boolean, front end uses switch to show the switch
type: boolean
required: false
- field: method
zh-CN: 请求方式
en-US: Method
type: radio
required: true
# When type is radio or checkbox, option indicates the list of selectable values {name1:value1,name2:value2}
- label: GET request
value: GET
- label: POST request
value: POST
- label: PUT request
value: PUT
- label: DELETE request
value: DELETE
# Metric group list
# The first monitoring Metric group cpu
# Note:the built-in monitoring Metrics have (responseTime - response time)
- name: cpu
# The smaller Metric group scheduling priority(0-127), the higher the priority. After completion of the high priority Metric group collection,the low priority Metric group will then be scheduled. Metric groups with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel.
# Metric group with a priority of 0 is an availability group which will be scheduled first. If the collection succeeds, the scheduling will continue otherwise interrupt scheduling.
priority: 0
# metrics fields list
# Metric information include field: name type: field type(0-number: number, 1-string: string) label-if is metrics label unit: Metric unit
- field: hostname
type: 1
label: true
- field: usage
type: 0
unit: '%'
- field: cores
type: 0
- field: waitTime
type: 0
unit: s
# (optional)Monitoring Metric alias mapping to the Metric name above. The field used to collect interface data is not the final Metric name directly. This alias is required for mapping conversion.
- hostname
- core1
- core2
- usage
- allTime
- runningTime
# (optional)The Metric calculation expression works with the above alias to calculate the final required Metric value.
# eg: cores=core1+core2, usage=usage, waitTime=allTime-runningTime
- hostname=hostname
- cores=core1+core2
- usage=usage
- waitTime=allTime-runningTime
# protocol for monitoring and collection eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
protocol: http
# Specific collection configuration when the protocol is HTTP protocol
# host: ipv4 ipv6 domain name
host: ^_^host^_^
# port
port: ^_^port^_^
# url request interface path
url: /metrics/cpu
method: GET
# enable ssl/tls or not, that is to say, HTTP or HTTPS. The default is false
ssl: false
# request header content
apiVersion: v1
# request parameter content
param1: param1
param2: param2
# authorization
# authorization method: Basic Auth, Digest Auth, Bearer Token
type: Basic Auth
basicAuthUsername: ^_^username^_^
basicAuthPassword: ^_^password^_^
# parsing method for reponse data: default-system rules, jsonPath-jsonPath script, website-website availability Metric monitoring
# todo xmlPath-xmlPath script, prometheus-Prometheus data rules
parseType: jsonPath
parseScript: '$'
- name: memory
priority: 1
- field: hostname
type: 1
label: true
- field: total
type: 0
unit: kb
- field: usage
type: 0
unit: '%'
- field: speed
type: 0
protocol: http
host: ^_^host^_^
port: ^_^port^_^
url: /metrics/memory
method: GET
apiVersion: v1
# query params,support time expression
param1: param1
param2: param2
type: Basic Auth
basicAuthUsername: ^_^username^_^
basicAuthPassword: ^_^password^_^
parseType: default