Monitoring: Kafka Monitoring (Client-based)
Collect and monitor general metrics for Kafka.
Configuration Parameters
Parameter Name | Help Description |
Monitoring Host | The monitored peer's IPv4, IPv6, or domain name. Note: ⚠️ Do not include protocol headers (e.g., https://, http://). |
Monitoring Port | The monitored service port. |
Task Name | The identifier for this monitoring task, which must be unique. |
Collection Interval | The interval for periodic data collection, in seconds. The minimum allowable interval is 30 seconds. |
Description/Remarks | Additional information to describe and identify this monitoring task. Users can add remarks here. |
Collected Metrics
Metric Set: topic_list
Metric Name | Unit | Help Description |
TopicName | None | Topic Name |
Metric Set: topic_detail
Metric Name | Unit | Help Description |
TopicName | None | Topic Name |
PartitionNum | None | Number of Partitions |
PartitionLeader | None | Partition Leader |
BrokerHost | None | Broker Host |
BrokerPort | None | Broker Port |
ReplicationFactorSize | None | Replication Factor Size |
ReplicationFactor | None | Replication Factor |
Metric Set: topic_offset
Metric Name | Unit | Help Description |
TopicName | None | Topic Name |
PartitionNum | None | Number of Partitions |
earliest | None | Earliest Offset |
latest | None | Latest Offset |
Metric Set:consumer_detail
Metric Name | Unit | Help Description |
GroupId | None | Consumer Group Id |
Group Member Num | None | Number of Consumer Instances |
Subscribed Topic Name | None | Topic Name Subscribed by the Group |
Offsets of Each Partition | None | Offsets for Each Partition |
Lag | None | Lag of Consumer |