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Version: v1.6.x

Monitoring Modbus

The response of Modbus service and other related indicators are monitored.

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Help Description
Host of Modbus ServiceThe IPv4, IPv6, or domain name of the Modbus device to be monitored. Note ⚠️ do not include the protocol header (e.g., https://, http://).
Task NameA name that identifies this monitoring task; the name must be unique.
PortThe port used for Modbus network communication.
Slave ID (slaveId)The ID of the slave device in the Modbus network.
Holding Register AddressUsed for categorizing and managing monitored resources.
Coil Register AddressAdditional notes and descriptions for this monitoring task; users can add remarks here.
TimeoutThe allowed time for collecting a response.

Collected Metrics

Metric Set: holding-register

  1. The number of parameters must match the total number of coil register addresses specified in the parameters.
  2. Alias format for parameters: holding-register:m or holding-register:m-n

Parameter example:

Coil register addresses:


Parameter alias names:

- responseTime
- holding-register:0
- holding-register:1-0
- holding-register:1-1
- holding-register:1-2
Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
Response TimeMillisecondsThe time required by the Modbus server to respond to a request.
Holding Register ParameterSetpoint for analog output

Metric Set: coil

  1. The number of parameters must match the total number of coil register addresses specified in the parameters.
  2. Alias format for parameters: coil:m or coil:m-n

Parameter example:

Coil register addresses:


Parameter alias names:

- responseTime
- coil:0
- coil:1-0
- coil:1-1
- coil:1-2
Metric NameMetric UnitMetric Help Description
Response TimeMillisecondsThe time required by the Modbus server to respond to a request.
Coil StatusCoil status (0 or 1)